Thursday, July 1, 2010

#7 by Thoren Karth

Thoren Karth Came out of the Tau-23 jump hole and headed straight for Planet Kyushu. The Oucasts had moved faster than anyone could have imagined and the consequences were horrific. As soon as he had heard the news he had jumped in his Mamba and redlined the engines all the way to Kyushu, dodging Outcasts the whole way.

As Thoren neared the planet a flight of Outcasts came to meet him. But he was in a bad mood and nothing would stop him. The fight was short and brutal, Karth 4, Outcasts 0. But that was only the first encounter. Fight after fight, wave after wave. They never seemed to end. There were some Kusari ships around that helped, mostly serving as distractions which was a life saver for Karth as he blasted the enemy heedless of his own safety.

Finally he made it to the planet. After blasting a transport full of cardamine that was trying to dock he forced his way down into the atmosphere. The sight was horrifying.
The air was dark with smoke from buildings and burning Cardamine and other plant life. He could see many burning cities from where he was flying. Suddenly a huge missile shot up into the sky a few klicks ahead of Karth and exploded in a blueish cloud. "So that's how they're doing it." Cursed Thoren. "Looks like I have a new mission. Take out as many of those missile launchers as I can before they take me down!"

With that he locked onto the launch site of the missile that he had just seen and put his Mamba into a steep dive. "I'm glad I'm flying a Mamba and not one of those Outcast ships. The extra control flaps and wing size makes for much better atmospheric control than what they have. Wish I was in that Liberty Multi-role fighter though. Ah well can't be helped, here we GO!"

The smoke had reduced visibility to near zero and for a few moments Thoren had to fly by sensors alone, which was something he was not used to and hated doing. But he soon broke clear of the cloud and skimmed the water of the sea as he approached the first missile launch site.


The explosion of the Sunslayer torpedo buffeted Thoren as he pulled away from the smoking wreckage of the first launch site.
"One down and Sirius knows how many more to go."

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