"The Nagumo is under Outcast control which means we can't go through the jump gate into Tau 29 so the Tau 23 jump hole is our best bet," said Carnifex as he steered away from the only trade lane through the system intending to swing around behind planet Aso, "and with an Outcast base and a mine field between the jump hole in Tau 23 and the Tau 31 jump gate I think Java is the logical choice."
Switching to a secure private channel he addressed the SAS pilot, "What’s you're name mate?"
"Acton, Captain in the Armed Forces, my call sign is Hood," he replied.
"I'm Roy Chambers, but everyone calls me Carnifex, I'm a bounty hunter and all round nice guy," Carni said with a chuckle, “how’s the fighter holding up?”
Acton responded with characteristic Bretonian nonchalance, “A few scratches here and there but she’ll hold up till Java just fine.”
“You’re not docking on Java,” said Carnifex with an air of finality, “You’re flying a very special ship and we all need it to get to Bretonia in one piece without docking.”
Acton was silent.
“You can’t be serious.”
“I’m very serious.” Carni signalled for a transfer to Acton’s fighter and tractor beamed across to him his remaining shield batteries and nano-bots, “That should hold you together till we get to Leeds, just don’t do anything stupid.”
Now approaching the Tau 23 jump hole Carnifex watched it carefully as it grew closer, its gravitational boundaries glowing a gentle transparent white against the emptiness in which the icy Barrier cloud was visible lightyears away. They would be deep in the Barrier in the next few minutes.
Sure enough, after dropping through the jump hole they had come across only two Outcasts and the four of them had dispatched them with expert coordination. Java station grew closer with time and when they arrived Carnifex switched his com over to local.
“Thank you for the help Thoren, when you’re in a bind look me up on the BHG network, the first few kills are free. We’re heading straight for Bretonia, time may be of the essence. Good luck here, keep in touch with us, we could use a trusted contact within scanner range of the Tau 37 jump hole. You may hear from us soon.”
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